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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

America is No Longer Number 1

RepubliCons love to shout about how great America is.
They arrogantly proclaim that the U.S. is a "shining city on a hill."
They even have a word for it: its called AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM.

Here is the price of Republican policies such as deregulation, corporate health care, free trade, anti environmentalism, and cutting of funding for public education.

The United States is 49th in the world in literacy.

The U.S. ranked 28th out of 40 countries in mathematical literacy.

U.S. ranks 37th in health care performance.

U.S. childhood poverty now ranks 22nd, or second to last, among the developed nations. Only Mexico scores lower.

Of the 20 most developed countries in the world, the U.S. was dead last in the growth rate of total compensation to its workforce, yet Americans work longer hours per year than any other industrialized country, and get less vacation time.

Sometime in the next 10 years Brazil will probably pass the U.S. as the world's largest agricultural producer. Brazil is now the world's largest exporter of chickens, orange juice, sugar, coffee, and tobacco. Last year, Brazil passed the U.S. as the world's largest beef producer. As a result, while we bear record trade deficits, Brazil boasts a $30 billion trade surplus.

As of last June, the U.S. imported more food than it exported.

U.S. is also
#30 in life expectancy.
#22 in lack of corruption
#27 in renewable energy
#33 in scientific literacy

Also thanks to Republican policies:

America is #1 in military spending
gross national debt.
country music stars.




  1. Every Republican needs to spend six months in China. They would learn America is not #1.

  2. To the post above, do you even know what you're talking about? The USA has almost twice the GDP China has. We're growing at above 2% in a time of headwinds from Europe and China. This blog looks at a couple of variables that are skewed due to the financial, educational, and political models the USA has, and fails to take a complete view of the USA. I suggest that everyone out there in an "Anti-American" phase gain the intellect above a middle school student and look at things from a complete view, not just what a feat monger writes on a blog.
