Help participate in internet activism. One way to do this is to get on the internet message boards and help enlighten minds and reduce the confusion and deception that is out there. Or simply copy and paste this link: http://thetempestuousnemesis.blogspot.com/

The RepubliCons are using corporate money to pay people to do this. Lets let our activism be people-based.


Monday, June 28, 2010


RepubliCons say that they want to get the big terrible government off of the backs of the people. They would have you believe that government agents are going to barge into your house and take away your guns, Bible, and liberty. Unfortunately, the Ignorants are more than willing to believe this.

The reality is that it is not the government that is on the backs of the people, but on the backs of the multinational corporate Industrial Elite who are trying to take over our government. It is the government that regulates them and holds them accountable for their activities.

And so the Cons came up with the anti "BIG GOVERNMENT" campaign. It is truely astounding to see this plan actually work. The Cons anti government campaign is the equivalent of a street thug hating the cops.

Time and time again, they have proven that they will put private interests of both themselves and their wealthy financial backers before the interest of the public.

Cons are against big government and yet what most people do not know is that when they are in power the government does not shrink at all; in fact, in most cases it even grows!

The Cons will sabotage government programs then turning around and complain that the "government does not work"! We have seen this in the social security problem for instance.

Cons want "limited government." What does limited government mean? It means the government is not only limited in preventing the Industrial Elites from engaging in illegal and reckless behavior, but also limited in how it can help the American people.

Cons claim to be the guardians of the American patriotic ideal but simultaneously want to strangle Uncle Sam!

Replacing the powers of a Democratically elected government with private corporations is un-American!

The RepubliCons want to take government out of business and instead put business into government. The problem with this is that profiteering then takes precedent over the public interest! This is anti-democratic and this is anti American! If we let them have their way, only the wealthy elite will get to live the American dream.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Faux News

RepubliCons will admit that Fox News has a right-wing bias but counter that mainstream media has a liberal bias.

To compare the outlandish cartoon-like extremism of Fox News with that of the mainstream news is ridiculous.

Until recently, CNN even had a conservative anchor in Lou Dobbs as well as commentary from Libertarian right-wingnut and John McCain supporter, Tucker Carlson, co-host on CNN's Crossfire and contributor at Fox News. In fact, right-wing wacko the clown Glenn Beck actually got his start on CNN!! (and no, push-over patsy side-kick Alan Comes who was once on Fox does not count).
The only channel that does have an outright left-wing slant to it is MSNBC, but even they have given Tucker Carlson his own show. (It was only cancelled because no one cared.)

Fox News is a creation of tycoon Industrial Elitist Rupert Murdoch and his henchman Roger Ailes. The same Roger Ailes who gave Rush Limbaugh a tv show. The same Rush Limbaugh who launched the so-called "liberal media" campaign. Why do the RepubliCons hate the mainstream legitimate media? Because it exposes the underhanded things that they are up to, for one. The legitimate mainstream media actually reports on ANY criminal behavior. It just happens that the RepubliCons have a dirtier record.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Tax Break Myth

The Republicans would have you believe that only when the wealthy Industrial Elite receive huge tax breaks can new jobs be created. First of all THEY DO NOT HAVE TO USE THOSE TAX BREAKS TO CREATE JOBS.Second: even if they do use it to create jobs, there is no saying that they just wont create those jobs OVERSEAS -which is exactly what has been happening.

During the FDR era of big progressive taxes, the economy rebounded and the middle-class THHHRIVED! (sorry RepubliCons, it wasnt just because of the war factories) We were doing just fine until Reagan came along and got rid of regulations and cut the taxes on the wealthy elite almost in half!
The result: the rich got richer and the middle class had to start treading water just to stay afloat (recent CBO numbers confirm this). The ones who are able to hang on do so only by living in a state of constant debt -which of course, further benefits the wealthy Industrial Elite.

The RepubliCons and their coporate campaign finance friends just love WAGE SLAVES. I can only guess that what they want to "Conserve" is the age of the Robber Barons.

The RepubliCons are telling us that these tax breaks not only kill job growth but they are "punishing success." The fact is that the wealthy will still get their mansions and rolls royces even when they are taxed fairly. However, maybe instead of a 200 foot yacht, they will have to scale down to a 140 foot yacht instead. Ohhhhh boo sniff hoo!

These huge tax breaks are not rewarding success, they are REWARDING GREED.


The Puppets and the Puppeteers

The Republican party was struggling before the advent of Con-air. Since then, the Conservatives, who believe it or not, were once upon a time were mostly Democrats, changed allegiance.
Con-air played an essential part in this change. They have successfully programmed regular blue collar people to vote for legislation that would benefit the wealthy Industrial Elite and not themselves.
The Ignorants have been mentally conditioned to do things like:

- vote against the regulation of big business that protects the economy, public safety, the environment, and consumers.
- protest against higher taxes on the wealthy elite (which is something that directly makes living harder on the regular middle class).
- protest medical insurance reform that will make access to healthcare easier by taking power away from the unscrupulous profit-driven (rather than human health care driven) corporate healthcare providers.
- disbelieve overwhelming scientific evidence and deny that pollution is having a negative effect upon our environment.
- have contempt for labor unions!

The perpetrators of Con-Air are able to succeed the same way the George Bush initially succeeded. By appealing to peoples emotions. Not only to their hopes, but to their fears and prejudaces as well.
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck speak with so much conviction that the uneducated think that they must know they were talking about. The problem is that their facts do not check out and neither do their morals.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tea-Party Crasher

Tea Party people are a peculiar sort.
They dont want Big Government interference and regulation but then complain when "TOO BIG TO FAIL" corporations have to take government "bail out" money. Well if they werent too big too fail in the first place THEY WOULDNT NEED GOVERNMENT MONEY. How can the too big too fail problem be fixed? Thats right...REGULATION.

Another peculiar thing about the Tea Party folks:
They are complaining about their taxes being raised when Obama actually LOWERED their taxes!

Who's taxes did Obama NOT lower? Thats right: the Industrial Elite. Here we see how the Conservatives can be manipulated to fight on behalf of their corporate Republican puppeteers.

Many believe that the Tea Party movement is a grass roots organization of concerned citizens. What they do not know is that it is actually the product of well-funded RepubliCon organizations such as Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity. The fake grassroots technique is called "astro turfing" and the Industrial Elite have perfected it and the Ignorants have fallen for it...again.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


When debating a Con and they seem to come up with a good point be sure to keep in mind that it there is a good chance that it is not even true. Remmember, Cons believe that the END JUSTIFY THE MEANS; meaning that it is okay to present rumors, misunderstandings, and outright lies as the truth as long as it furthers the
right-wing agenda.
For instance, during the 2008 campaign, Sarah Palin continuously told the people that Obama was going to raise their taxes - even when she was addressing a a field full of hill-billies. Even after it was brought to her attention that what she was saying was not true, SHE CONTINUED TO SAY IT ANYWAY!

Here are some other things that they believe that are not true:

Obama is a racist
Obama is not a Christian
Obama is a Communist
Obama is not an American citizen
Obama is a muslim
Obama raised taxes on everyone
Obama wants to take away their guns
etc. etc. etc.

Here are those non-partisan sites to refer to when checking for Con dis-information.
Lets be sure to call these guys out.


This one is a partisan site that is dedicated to calling out the lies of Con-air


Monday, June 14, 2010



- stand for human rights, fairness, and progressive reform.
- believe in defending the prosperity and security of the middle class, working people, families, and minority rights.
- believe that being a responsible member of the community and of the Earth.
- believe that elected members of a Democratic government are better qualified to make decisions than members of the profit driven private sector.
- believe that government can be used for good.


- believe that our government is inherently bad.
- believe that the wealthy corporate elite are better able to make decisions for the people than a Democratically elected government.
- have an arrogant foreign policy that puts our country into even greater risk by inflaming world opinion against us.
- have a reckless and selfish attitude toward our Earth's environment.
- believe that the ends justify the means, meaning that it is okay to do things like torture, lie, or commit election fraud, so long as it brings about the corporate Oligarchy that they envision.

REPUBLICANS believe that with great power comes great privilege.

DEMOCRATS believe that with great power comes great responsibility.