Help participate in internet activism. One way to do this is to get on the internet message boards and help enlighten minds and reduce the confusion and deception that is out there. Or simply copy and paste this link: http://thetempestuousnemesis.blogspot.com/

The RepubliCons are using corporate money to pay people to do this. Lets let our activism be people-based.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


tried to get a beer when I was in Arkansas the other day but was told that they couldn't sell it to me because it was Sunday. . . Arkansas state law.

I thought these red-state right-winger types were against so called "BIIIIG GOVERNMENT" telling people how to live their lives.
I guess this only applies to things like safety laws that save peoples lives, and regulations that prevent the destruction of the economy, and other so-called "bleeding-heart" do-gooder stuff.

Whether i have a beer on my day off is no ones business but my own, no matter what day it is. (besides, wasn't the original Sabbath on a Saturday anyway?). Its not so much that I was deprived of a beer, but its the hypocrisy that really gets me.

There are also some Constitutional questions that come into play here as well -pertaining to the fact that religious laws cannot be mandated. Guardians of the Constitution, eh? Even more hypocrisy.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Healthcare reform IS Constitutional!

Republicons say that so-called "socialism"/healthcare (i.e. "Obamacare") is not Constitutional, but In the Preamble to the Constitution it says that "We the people" (not corporate elite) "establish justice" and "promote the general welfare," which is a reference to social justice! The same social justice that the RepubliCons mock and decry as unconstitutional!

Apparently, Republicans think that caring about the community is socialist, but the Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, saw it as Christ-like. In a letter to Benjamin Rush in 1803, he spoke of the importance of "universal philanthropy, not only to kindred and friends, to neighbors and countrymen, gathering all into one family, under the bonds of love, charity, peace, common wants, and common aids."

So apparently you are a socialist if you care about other people.
In that case Jesus was a socialist.

The bottom line is this:
The government CAN make people pay taxes and pay a penalty for not doing so.
The government CAN make people buy health insurance and pay a penalty for not doing so.

P.S. Something else that conservatives should know about the Constitution of our country:

Article I states that it is the job of the American government to "regulate commerce." The key word there is "regulate" which the RepubliCons are also mostly against.

and also to "promote the progress of science." which the Conservatives are constantly fighting as well.


Friday, November 26, 2010


The stock market has been steadily rebounding since the dreaded stimulus and bailouts took effect. Coporations are posting some of the biggest profits in the history of this country!

So where are the jobs?

It seems that the corporations took their wind-fall profits and tax-payer bailout money and created jobs . . .

in China and India.

People can blame it all on Obama all they want, but he and Clinton are only guilty of not more adamantly denouncing de-regulated voodoo economics.

It does not work.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

REPUBLICANS ARE ANTI AMERICAN. . . no really, they really are.

RepubliCons represent the "God, King, and Country" mentality of the imperial British old world. And just like the imperial old world, it links the interests of public (corrupted) government with private corporate monopolies -such as the British East India Company of the 17th and 18th centuries, a company that had its own private army. (kind of like Halliburton and Blackwater in Iraq.)

Republicons think that with great power comes great privilege. (Progressive Democrats on the other hand, believe that with great power comes great responsibility)

Nixon and Bush for example, believed in executive privilege, which is essentially authoritarian power. This is the type of crap that the Founding Fathers of this nation fought against!

In this case, present-day American conservatives have more in common with the old world British empire than with the America of our Founding Fathers.

Anti Democratic=anti American. No Kings allowed!

RepubliCons, you are 200 years too late!

At the same time, they proclaim themselves to be the gaurdians of the American patriotic ideal and protectors of the Constitution from the leftist progressive liberal types.

What is the original definition of "liberal"? It means the belief in free speech, freedom of the press, free thought, free markets (as opposed to monopolies) and natural law,

What RepubliCons fail to realize is that the original American progressive types were




One of the insults that conservatives have thrown at Obama is that he is the "antichrist."

Who else have they labeled with this misnomer?

Two centuries ago it was the conservatives of the time who called the Founding Father and principle author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, an antichrist!

New England ministers warned that if Thomas Jefferson were elected he could confiscate their Bibles. Maybe because Jefferson said in a letter to John Adams (1823): "The greatest enemies of the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them. . . "

How very true.



Monday, November 15, 2010


Democrats are spineless sissies. (I cant believe that I actually agree with Ann Coulter on this).

They do things like let RepubliCons rig voting machines and redistrict to give RepubliCons an artificial majority; and they just looove to give into pressure from bully RepubliCons even the RepubliCons ARE THE MINORITY!
They are almost as shameful as their right-wing counterparts.




Apathetic people like to say that "Democrats are just as bad as Republicans." However, I submit to those people that the situation is a little (if not MUCH) more black and white than they realize.

RepubliCons mock "social justice," "tolerance," and "fairness."
They are also constantly coming up with unethical ways to take power. They lie, cheat, and incite hatred and fear and are all too eager to do things like profiteer off of unnecessary wars.

At this point, they are only one step away from actually admitting that they are pro evil.




Ronald Reagan's former budget director David Stockman (the architect of Republican Reaganomics) is admiting that huge tax cuts for the rich was an experiment that did not work. He now calls it the "big lie." Indeed, all that we get when the RepubliCons are in power is huuuuge deficits and a dissapearing middle-class.

TRICKLE DOWN SUPPLY SIDE "VOODOO" ECONOMICS HAS BEEN DISCREDITED. We need to stand up and just say no to waiting for crumbs to fall of the table of the rich and powerful when we are working just as hard.

NO MORE TAX BREAKS FOR THE WEALTHY! They already have their golden toilets!!!


Saturday, October 16, 2010


RepubliCons call liberals "stupid," but when we look at the facts, left-wing Progressives on average score higher on IQ tests and are more educated than their right-wing counterparts. (From the March issue of the peer-reviewed Social Psychology Quarterly, a journal of the American Sociological Association, from an article entitled "Why Liberals and Atheists are More Intelligent." )

Democrat blue states are also home to more college educated people.
While red states are home to more wrestling and NASCAR fans.

There are of course a few evil geniuses at the top of the RepubliCon heirarchy who are pulling the strings of the red-state puppets. I will give them that.



When public safety regulations cut in to the obscene profits that the Industrial Elite were already making, RepubliCon politicians reacted by simply putting their campaign-contribution corporate chronies in charge of the very agencies that regulate them and keep them from engaging in unethical behavior!! (such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Food and Drug Administration.)

These minions of the corporate right-wing then proceeded to lower and even eradicate public safety regulations. Indeed, since the Republican take over in the 1980s, the consumer protection agency has had its budget slashed in half!

What has been the result of these cutbacks to "Big Government". . . ?

The result has been thousands upon thousands of people have been seriously hurt and even killed. (Huffington 08)

What has been the RepubliCon response to all of these injuries and deaths . . . ?

To advocate for Tort reform, which would put limits on how much these corporations could be sued.



RepubliCons say that:

1) U.S. sovereignty is at stake because of our participation in the UN, but are okay with foreign money coming into their campaign coffers (via the Chamber of Commerce) that influence American elections.

2) Evolution does not exist, and yet they are ok with social Darwinism (survival of the fittest), where the wealthy elite have all the influence and wealth because they deserve it for being smarter than all the peasant suckers.

(Lets see: is it: "We the People", or. . . something else?)

In other words they (allegedly) have principles. . .

except when money is involved.


Saturday, September 25, 2010


A major event in American history that does not appear in any of the school textbooks is the plot to overthrow the U.S. government in the 1930s by the Industrial Elite. We know about this scheme thanks to a high-ranking military whistle-blower: Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler.

In 1933, Butler was approached by men representing a clique of multi-millionaire industrialists and bankers (calling themselves the American Liberty League) who wanted to have U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt forcefully ousted from power. They saw his “New Deal” policies as the start of a communist take-over that threatened their interests.

In a 1936 letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, William Dodd, the U.S. Ambassador to Germany said:

"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy...A prominent executive of one of the largest corporations, told me point blank that he would be ready to take definite action to bring fascism into America if President Roosevelt continued his progressive policies."

The Industrial Elite have since realized that they can get their way by not attempting to take over the government via military coup, but by influencing the common class to vote their way. Their billion dollar corporate funded think-tanks came up with the use of propaganda in the form of radio, news, and print media (Con-Air) that could be used to indoctrinate the uneducated and the unethical.

They realized that they could influence minds by reframing the debate, as well as simply not being truthful (that is because they believe that the ends justify the means, meaning that it is okay to not tell the truth as long as it is for what they believe to be a good purpose). For instance, Bush's "Clear Skies Act" actually helped the Industrial Elite pollute the skies!

They learned how to merge their own greedy selfish interests with those of the "conservatives." What most people do not know is that this link between these two worlds is mostly manufactured.
Do you think the Industrial Elite who control the Republican party care about if something like "In God We Trust" is printed on federal property or not? They might say that they do but they would be lying. What they do not want the conservatives to know is that Jesus actually spoke out against people like them.

Part of the indoctrination technique is to get the people "ginned up" (their actual words) against so-called "big government." The same government that regulates and taxes the Industrial Elite and prevents them from engaging in illegal and unethical activities.

The Industrial Elite realized that in order to win elections they need to influence what Rush Limbaugh calls "the country class." (i.e. the good intentioned but uneducated "folk") And it is these red-state people that are being used for their purposes.

The country class has been programmed to vote for:
1) tax cuts (so that the Industrial Elite can make their money in tax breaks rather than in a competitive and regulated free market.)
2) Industry deregulation (that maximizes profits at the expense of public safety and the environment.)
2) Fight and give their lives in wars for natural resources (so that companies like Halliburton are able to profit).

To the Industrial Elite who control the Republican party, you are not a person, you are just another one of their commodities.
Ever see the movie the Matrix? guess who the human batteries are? The same ones who buy the illusion that is projected by Con-Air.

It is time for people to come to the painful realization that they have been used. They have been bamboozled, they have been fooled. Its time for people to WAAAAAAKE UP!


Friday, September 24, 2010

And Healthcare For All!

The first stages of the new Healthcare reform law went into effect yesterday.

Here is what RepubliCons are saying about Healthcare reform:

1) Illegal immigrants will be covered
2) Medicare benefits will be slashed
3) Government will decide what care people get.
4) Benefits to military families and retirees(tricare) will be cut.
5) It will fund abortions.
6) Requires doctors to implant micro chips into patients.

According to the NON PARTISAN fact check site FACTCHECK.ORG, none of this is true!
Except for the micro chip part. Each micro chip will contain the numbers 666 and will be required for all buying and selling. And if you are a Christian, you will be taken away to a concentration camp if you refuse to receive the micro chip of the Beast. No wait...just kidding.

Also, RepubliCons say that the government insurance option will put the government "between you and your doctor" and set up "death panels," but are perfectly fine with corporate employees coming between you and your doctor, and corporate death panels -that unlike the government plan, actually DO exist! (If you are costing the corporate insurance companies too much money they can decide to find a way to drop you from coverage.)

RepubliCons believe that healthcare reform is socialist. In that case our fire and police departments are socialist. Medicaid, medicare, VA medical care is socialist. By the way: these are all programs THAT WORK! The fact is that when it comes to public safety PEOPLE must come before PROFIT!

RepubliCons say that people are just too lazy to get health insurance on their own. However, since Reaganonmics took over, the HARD WORKING middle class has seen their average earnings drop, making it harder to make ends meet. The problem is that even if you can afford the premiums of private insurance, it still wont mean that you wont go bankrupt with all of the co-pays!

It is private insurance motive to MAKE MONEY period! If they can make more money by screwing you THEY WILL! And thanks to their bribed RepubliCon politicians in their corner, they can even get away with it.

RepubliCons keep saying that "America has the best medical care in the world" even though according to the World Health Organization, America is actually ranked number 37!!! -right below Costa Rica. (France was #1 by the way).
What these nincompoops are not telling you is that America has the best healthcare technology, NOT the best healthcare system. They are trying to merge the two in order to confuse people and satisfy their corporate sponsors. DONT BE FOOLED!

The only significant complaint that might be true is that the new healthcare reform bill will not be budget neutral. Meaning that instead of saving money it might actually end up costing money. But I say this to the critics: Wouldn't it better for our money to go into programs that actually help people live better lives and not go bankrupt and die painful deaths, rather than for unnecessary wars in Iraq, corporate welfare, pork barrel spending, and unnecessary tax cuts for the ultra wealthy elite?

In other words: if you tea party clowns and RepubliCons really are for "fiscal responsibility," then lets see some first; otherwise you just look like hypocrites.


The Welfare Queen Does Not Exist!

RepubliCons say that "socialist" liberals want to take your hard-earned money and give it away to lazy bums who do not derserve it (even though this idea really only applies to the wealthy elite who have been under taxed since Reagan). One of the propaganda campaigns that they came up with the myth of the so-called "welfare queen." The only problem with this is that: she does not exist!

Yes, it is true that there are some criminals out there who are always trying to find a way to cheat in life, but what is the ratio of criminals to law-abiding people? Its pretty darn low. Should we let a few bad apples spoil the entire orchard? That doesn't seem very wise.

Another thing to keep in mind about public assistance programs is that they do not last forever, and despite what people like Rush Limbaugh seem to believe, you can not buy beer and drugs with foodstamps. Its also just barely enough to keep you alive. In other words: there are no luxury dinners at the Four-Seasons. It is mostly MSG-laced Ramen and instant kraft macaroni and cheese.

You know who else benefited from public assistance payments when he was in a tough situation in his younger days? A man named Rush Limbaugh. It's true (he admitted it on his show), and we lefties looove to laugh about it.

Another myth about the left is that we want lazy good-for-nothings to benefit from other peoples hard work when the Democratic party has always been about "fairness" to the HARD WORKING middle-class who deserve to benefit from the American system in return for their contributions to society.

As for the lowly dysfunctional chronically poor, they have their soup kitchens and shelters. I think Jesus would be happy that we do not believe that they should be left to rot in the gutters.

Just because we believe that society should be a just and moral environment does not make us commies...it just makes us the good guys.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


Wallstreet reform has passed!
It is the most sweeping overhaul of the financial system since the New Deal! The law immediately gives regulators stronger powers to break up financial companies that have grown too big.

One of the reason we got into this financial mess to begin with was because the Glass-Steagall act of 1933, that prevented some of the derivative speculation wagering that was going on, was repealed by Republicans in 1999! Until Glass-Steagall is fully reinstated there still could continue to be problems. (The next time you hear a RepubliCon blaming the current economic meltdown on liberal mortgage hand-out programs be sure to remind them of deregulation.)

The RepubliCons are already threatening to repeal it if they get more of them elected in November. Unwilling to learn from the mistakes of history, they apparently want to condemn America to another recession just so that their campaign contribution buddies can make more money off of what they believe to be is the American Dream.

Here is what the edited classroom textbooks will not tell you:

It was RepubliCon inspired gluttony and "laissez-faire" deregulation (of the Harding, Coolidge, Hoover administrations) that led to the Great Depression

If it was not for Obama's bailout spending that supported the pillars of the economy, we would have suffered another Depression. Of course the RepubliCons were against the bailout (even though Bush started the bailout payments). That is because -in the words of Rush Limbaugh: they "want him to fail."

At least now it will be a little harder for the corporations to do things like make a buck at the expense of peoples financial lives and the economy.



The RepubliCons were successfully able to repeal a tax on money on un-earned income called the "estate tax". That is money that is received in an inheritance. Money that could be used to do things like help fund schools, repair infrastructure, and pay down the national debt, etc. etc.

RepubliCons say that they are against high taxes because they are being used to give "entitlement" handouts to those who do not deserve it. And yet...they are perfectly fine with people receiving money when they inherit it, even though they have done nothing to earn it! So in other words: Only their wealthy benefactors are allowed to receive money that they do not earn.

How were they so successful in repealing the estate tax?...By "reframing" the debate. Their billion dollar corporate-funded think-tanks came up with the term "death tax." To the laymen, this meant that the big bad government was going to tax you for dying. The Ignorants were outraged, and it was repealed.

Our elected representives must be pressurred to bring this source of revenue back so that we can fund our economic comeback and pay down the debt that we have incured from Bush's war and RepubliCon deregulation. We must take a page from the RepubliCon machine and reframe the term to something more along the lines of the "un-earned inheritance income tax."


Thursday, July 8, 2010


The Texas School Board of Education, an organization that creates the content of textbooks used in our public schools, have successfully altered history by making changes to the curriculum without consulting historians or scholarly experts.

These new changes include (among many other things):
The reduction of the importance of the American civil rights movement.
The reduction of the role of Thomas Jefferson -since he is the one who coined the term "seperation of church and state." (which is a confirmation of the meaning of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.)
They instead emphasized the role of the European Judeo-Christian John Calvin, a 16th century relic of the Dark Ages who had never even been to America.

They of course also down-played the influence of the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason on our Founding Fathers.

So my question is this: if you are against enlightenment, reason, science, scholarly experts, truth, wouldn't that mean that you are pro ignorance?
Or is it just pro stupid?



Monday, June 28, 2010


RepubliCons say that they want to get the big terrible government off of the backs of the people. They would have you believe that government agents are going to barge into your house and take away your guns, Bible, and liberty. Unfortunately, the Ignorants are more than willing to believe this.

The reality is that it is not the government that is on the backs of the people, but on the backs of the multinational corporate Industrial Elite who are trying to take over our government. It is the government that regulates them and holds them accountable for their activities.

And so the Cons came up with the anti "BIG GOVERNMENT" campaign. It is truely astounding to see this plan actually work. The Cons anti government campaign is the equivalent of a street thug hating the cops.

Time and time again, they have proven that they will put private interests of both themselves and their wealthy financial backers before the interest of the public.

Cons are against big government and yet what most people do not know is that when they are in power the government does not shrink at all; in fact, in most cases it even grows!

The Cons will sabotage government programs then turning around and complain that the "government does not work"! We have seen this in the social security problem for instance.

Cons want "limited government." What does limited government mean? It means the government is not only limited in preventing the Industrial Elites from engaging in illegal and reckless behavior, but also limited in how it can help the American people.

Cons claim to be the guardians of the American patriotic ideal but simultaneously want to strangle Uncle Sam!

Replacing the powers of a Democratically elected government with private corporations is un-American!

The RepubliCons want to take government out of business and instead put business into government. The problem with this is that profiteering then takes precedent over the public interest! This is anti-democratic and this is anti American! If we let them have their way, only the wealthy elite will get to live the American dream.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Faux News

RepubliCons will admit that Fox News has a right-wing bias but counter that mainstream media has a liberal bias.

To compare the outlandish cartoon-like extremism of Fox News with that of the mainstream news is ridiculous.

Until recently, CNN even had a conservative anchor in Lou Dobbs as well as commentary from Libertarian right-wingnut and John McCain supporter, Tucker Carlson, co-host on CNN's Crossfire and contributor at Fox News. In fact, right-wing wacko the clown Glenn Beck actually got his start on CNN!! (and no, push-over patsy side-kick Alan Comes who was once on Fox does not count).
The only channel that does have an outright left-wing slant to it is MSNBC, but even they have given Tucker Carlson his own show. (It was only cancelled because no one cared.)

Fox News is a creation of tycoon Industrial Elitist Rupert Murdoch and his henchman Roger Ailes. The same Roger Ailes who gave Rush Limbaugh a tv show. The same Rush Limbaugh who launched the so-called "liberal media" campaign. Why do the RepubliCons hate the mainstream legitimate media? Because it exposes the underhanded things that they are up to, for one. The legitimate mainstream media actually reports on ANY criminal behavior. It just happens that the RepubliCons have a dirtier record.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Tax Break Myth

The Republicans would have you believe that only when the wealthy Industrial Elite receive huge tax breaks can new jobs be created. First of all THEY DO NOT HAVE TO USE THOSE TAX BREAKS TO CREATE JOBS.Second: even if they do use it to create jobs, there is no saying that they just wont create those jobs OVERSEAS -which is exactly what has been happening.

During the FDR era of big progressive taxes, the economy rebounded and the middle-class THHHRIVED! (sorry RepubliCons, it wasnt just because of the war factories) We were doing just fine until Reagan came along and got rid of regulations and cut the taxes on the wealthy elite almost in half!
The result: the rich got richer and the middle class had to start treading water just to stay afloat (recent CBO numbers confirm this). The ones who are able to hang on do so only by living in a state of constant debt -which of course, further benefits the wealthy Industrial Elite.

The RepubliCons and their coporate campaign finance friends just love WAGE SLAVES. I can only guess that what they want to "Conserve" is the age of the Robber Barons.

The RepubliCons are telling us that these tax breaks not only kill job growth but they are "punishing success." The fact is that the wealthy will still get their mansions and rolls royces even when they are taxed fairly. However, maybe instead of a 200 foot yacht, they will have to scale down to a 140 foot yacht instead. Ohhhhh boo sniff hoo!

These huge tax breaks are not rewarding success, they are REWARDING GREED.


The Puppets and the Puppeteers

The Republican party was struggling before the advent of Con-air. Since then, the Conservatives, who believe it or not, were once upon a time were mostly Democrats, changed allegiance.
Con-air played an essential part in this change. They have successfully programmed regular blue collar people to vote for legislation that would benefit the wealthy Industrial Elite and not themselves.
The Ignorants have been mentally conditioned to do things like:

- vote against the regulation of big business that protects the economy, public safety, the environment, and consumers.
- protest against higher taxes on the wealthy elite (which is something that directly makes living harder on the regular middle class).
- protest medical insurance reform that will make access to healthcare easier by taking power away from the unscrupulous profit-driven (rather than human health care driven) corporate healthcare providers.
- disbelieve overwhelming scientific evidence and deny that pollution is having a negative effect upon our environment.
- have contempt for labor unions!

The perpetrators of Con-Air are able to succeed the same way the George Bush initially succeeded. By appealing to peoples emotions. Not only to their hopes, but to their fears and prejudaces as well.
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck speak with so much conviction that the uneducated think that they must know they were talking about. The problem is that their facts do not check out and neither do their morals.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tea-Party Crasher

Tea Party people are a peculiar sort.
They dont want Big Government interference and regulation but then complain when "TOO BIG TO FAIL" corporations have to take government "bail out" money. Well if they werent too big too fail in the first place THEY WOULDNT NEED GOVERNMENT MONEY. How can the too big too fail problem be fixed? Thats right...REGULATION.

Another peculiar thing about the Tea Party folks:
They are complaining about their taxes being raised when Obama actually LOWERED their taxes!

Who's taxes did Obama NOT lower? Thats right: the Industrial Elite. Here we see how the Conservatives can be manipulated to fight on behalf of their corporate Republican puppeteers.

Many believe that the Tea Party movement is a grass roots organization of concerned citizens. What they do not know is that it is actually the product of well-funded RepubliCon organizations such as Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity. The fake grassroots technique is called "astro turfing" and the Industrial Elite have perfected it and the Ignorants have fallen for it...again.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


When debating a Con and they seem to come up with a good point be sure to keep in mind that it there is a good chance that it is not even true. Remmember, Cons believe that the END JUSTIFY THE MEANS; meaning that it is okay to present rumors, misunderstandings, and outright lies as the truth as long as it furthers the
right-wing agenda.
For instance, during the 2008 campaign, Sarah Palin continuously told the people that Obama was going to raise their taxes - even when she was addressing a a field full of hill-billies. Even after it was brought to her attention that what she was saying was not true, SHE CONTINUED TO SAY IT ANYWAY!

Here are some other things that they believe that are not true:

Obama is a racist
Obama is not a Christian
Obama is a Communist
Obama is not an American citizen
Obama is a muslim
Obama raised taxes on everyone
Obama wants to take away their guns
etc. etc. etc.

Here are those non-partisan sites to refer to when checking for Con dis-information.
Lets be sure to call these guys out.


This one is a partisan site that is dedicated to calling out the lies of Con-air


Monday, June 14, 2010



- stand for human rights, fairness, and progressive reform.
- believe in defending the prosperity and security of the middle class, working people, families, and minority rights.
- believe that being a responsible member of the community and of the Earth.
- believe that elected members of a Democratic government are better qualified to make decisions than members of the profit driven private sector.
- believe that government can be used for good.


- believe that our government is inherently bad.
- believe that the wealthy corporate elite are better able to make decisions for the people than a Democratically elected government.
- have an arrogant foreign policy that puts our country into even greater risk by inflaming world opinion against us.
- have a reckless and selfish attitude toward our Earth's environment.
- believe that the ends justify the means, meaning that it is okay to do things like torture, lie, or commit election fraud, so long as it brings about the corporate Oligarchy that they envision.

REPUBLICANS believe that with great power comes great privilege.

DEMOCRATS believe that with great power comes great responsibility.