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The RepubliCons are using corporate money to pay people to do this. Lets let our activism be people-based.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


The RepubliCons were successfully able to repeal a tax on money on un-earned income called the "estate tax". That is money that is received in an inheritance. Money that could be used to do things like help fund schools, repair infrastructure, and pay down the national debt, etc. etc.

RepubliCons say that they are against high taxes because they are being used to give "entitlement" handouts to those who do not deserve it. And yet...they are perfectly fine with people receiving money when they inherit it, even though they have done nothing to earn it! So in other words: Only their wealthy benefactors are allowed to receive money that they do not earn.

How were they so successful in repealing the estate tax?...By "reframing" the debate. Their billion dollar corporate-funded think-tanks came up with the term "death tax." To the laymen, this meant that the big bad government was going to tax you for dying. The Ignorants were outraged, and it was repealed.

Our elected representives must be pressurred to bring this source of revenue back so that we can fund our economic comeback and pay down the debt that we have incured from Bush's war and RepubliCon deregulation. We must take a page from the RepubliCon machine and reframe the term to something more along the lines of the "un-earned inheritance income tax."


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