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Monday, December 13, 2010

Healthcare reform IS Constitutional!

Republicons say that so-called "socialism"/healthcare (i.e. "Obamacare") is not Constitutional, but In the Preamble to the Constitution it says that "We the people" (not corporate elite) "establish justice" and "promote the general welfare," which is a reference to social justice! The same social justice that the RepubliCons mock and decry as unconstitutional!

Apparently, Republicans think that caring about the community is socialist, but the Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, saw it as Christ-like. In a letter to Benjamin Rush in 1803, he spoke of the importance of "universal philanthropy, not only to kindred and friends, to neighbors and countrymen, gathering all into one family, under the bonds of love, charity, peace, common wants, and common aids."

So apparently you are a socialist if you care about other people.
In that case Jesus was a socialist.

The bottom line is this:
The government CAN make people pay taxes and pay a penalty for not doing so.
The government CAN make people buy health insurance and pay a penalty for not doing so.

P.S. Something else that conservatives should know about the Constitution of our country:

Article I states that it is the job of the American government to "regulate commerce." The key word there is "regulate" which the RepubliCons are also mostly against.

and also to "promote the progress of science." which the Conservatives are constantly fighting as well.


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