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Friday, March 4, 2011


The Wisconsin situation has nothing to do with "balancing the budget." When Walker came in he actually helped make the situation worse with his tax cuts for the rich.

Walker is using a technique called "defund the left."
Here is how it works:

1- Give huge tax cuts to the wealthy elite who helped put you into office.

2- Use the budget deficit as an excuse to cut programs that help the workers - In this case, the unions.

3- Once the unions no longer have collective bargaining power, membership drops.

4- Once membership drops, the hard working middle-class no longer have power to prevent themselves from being taken advantage of. But more importantly, they no longer have the ability to donate money to the Democrats.

This is a political move. Not a budgetary one. Dont be fooled.

Why doesnt Walker care that polls show that a majority of people disagree with what he is doing? Because its all about the money, not the people. Walker knows that he is going to have a well paying job waiting for him as a reward for being the lap-dog of Koch Industries.

If this is about the budget then why didnt walker go after the police and fire unions too? Because they paid him off in campaign contributions.

You want to know the truth? Follow the money.


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