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Friday, July 29, 2011

Socialism Versus Fascism.

RepubliCons say: The Democrats are communists.

Answer: The Republicans are fascists.

When the government controls industry it is socialism.
But when industry controls the government, and its dictatorial leader does things lie and go to war for profit etc. etc. , this. . . is fascism.

Fascism is generally a right wing authoritarian movement. This is what the ignorant hoard of tea bagger wackos do not understand.

A) Socialism looks out for the welfare of the people when its leaders are elected through a democratic process. (communism is an extremist perversion of socialism)

B) In a corporate fascist plutocracy, the government looks out for the welfare of the wealthy elite -at the expense of the people.

If given a choice between A or B, unless you are a cold-hearted greedy evil bastard, you would choose choice A.


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