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Friday, September 24, 2010

And Healthcare For All!

The first stages of the new Healthcare reform law went into effect yesterday.

Here is what RepubliCons are saying about Healthcare reform:

1) Illegal immigrants will be covered
2) Medicare benefits will be slashed
3) Government will decide what care people get.
4) Benefits to military families and retirees(tricare) will be cut.
5) It will fund abortions.
6) Requires doctors to implant micro chips into patients.

According to the NON PARTISAN fact check site FACTCHECK.ORG, none of this is true!
Except for the micro chip part. Each micro chip will contain the numbers 666 and will be required for all buying and selling. And if you are a Christian, you will be taken away to a concentration camp if you refuse to receive the micro chip of the Beast. No wait...just kidding.

Also, RepubliCons say that the government insurance option will put the government "between you and your doctor" and set up "death panels," but are perfectly fine with corporate employees coming between you and your doctor, and corporate death panels -that unlike the government plan, actually DO exist! (If you are costing the corporate insurance companies too much money they can decide to find a way to drop you from coverage.)

RepubliCons believe that healthcare reform is socialist. In that case our fire and police departments are socialist. Medicaid, medicare, VA medical care is socialist. By the way: these are all programs THAT WORK! The fact is that when it comes to public safety PEOPLE must come before PROFIT!

RepubliCons say that people are just too lazy to get health insurance on their own. However, since Reaganonmics took over, the HARD WORKING middle class has seen their average earnings drop, making it harder to make ends meet. The problem is that even if you can afford the premiums of private insurance, it still wont mean that you wont go bankrupt with all of the co-pays!

It is private insurance motive to MAKE MONEY period! If they can make more money by screwing you THEY WILL! And thanks to their bribed RepubliCon politicians in their corner, they can even get away with it.

RepubliCons keep saying that "America has the best medical care in the world" even though according to the World Health Organization, America is actually ranked number 37!!! -right below Costa Rica. (France was #1 by the way).
What these nincompoops are not telling you is that America has the best healthcare technology, NOT the best healthcare system. They are trying to merge the two in order to confuse people and satisfy their corporate sponsors. DONT BE FOOLED!

The only significant complaint that might be true is that the new healthcare reform bill will not be budget neutral. Meaning that instead of saving money it might actually end up costing money. But I say this to the critics: Wouldn't it better for our money to go into programs that actually help people live better lives and not go bankrupt and die painful deaths, rather than for unnecessary wars in Iraq, corporate welfare, pork barrel spending, and unnecessary tax cuts for the ultra wealthy elite?

In other words: if you tea party clowns and RepubliCons really are for "fiscal responsibility," then lets see some first; otherwise you just look like hypocrites.


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