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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Welfare Queen Does Not Exist!

RepubliCons say that "socialist" liberals want to take your hard-earned money and give it away to lazy bums who do not derserve it (even though this idea really only applies to the wealthy elite who have been under taxed since Reagan). One of the propaganda campaigns that they came up with the myth of the so-called "welfare queen." The only problem with this is that: she does not exist!

Yes, it is true that there are some criminals out there who are always trying to find a way to cheat in life, but what is the ratio of criminals to law-abiding people? Its pretty darn low. Should we let a few bad apples spoil the entire orchard? That doesn't seem very wise.

Another thing to keep in mind about public assistance programs is that they do not last forever, and despite what people like Rush Limbaugh seem to believe, you can not buy beer and drugs with foodstamps. Its also just barely enough to keep you alive. In other words: there are no luxury dinners at the Four-Seasons. It is mostly MSG-laced Ramen and instant kraft macaroni and cheese.

You know who else benefited from public assistance payments when he was in a tough situation in his younger days? A man named Rush Limbaugh. It's true (he admitted it on his show), and we lefties looove to laugh about it.

Another myth about the left is that we want lazy good-for-nothings to benefit from other peoples hard work when the Democratic party has always been about "fairness" to the HARD WORKING middle-class who deserve to benefit from the American system in return for their contributions to society.

As for the lowly dysfunctional chronically poor, they have their soup kitchens and shelters. I think Jesus would be happy that we do not believe that they should be left to rot in the gutters.

Just because we believe that society should be a just and moral environment does not make us commies...it just makes us the good guys.


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