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The RepubliCons are using corporate money to pay people to do this. Lets let our activism be people-based.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Tea-Party Crasher

Tea Party people are a peculiar sort.
They dont want Big Government interference and regulation but then complain when "TOO BIG TO FAIL" corporations have to take government "bail out" money. Well if they werent too big too fail in the first place THEY WOULDNT NEED GOVERNMENT MONEY. How can the too big too fail problem be fixed? Thats right...REGULATION.

Another peculiar thing about the Tea Party folks:
They are complaining about their taxes being raised when Obama actually LOWERED their taxes!

Who's taxes did Obama NOT lower? Thats right: the Industrial Elite. Here we see how the Conservatives can be manipulated to fight on behalf of their corporate Republican puppeteers.

Many believe that the Tea Party movement is a grass roots organization of concerned citizens. What they do not know is that it is actually the product of well-funded RepubliCon organizations such as Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity. The fake grassroots technique is called "astro turfing" and the Industrial Elite have perfected it and the Ignorants have fallen for it...again.

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