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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Faux News

RepubliCons will admit that Fox News has a right-wing bias but counter that mainstream media has a liberal bias.

To compare the outlandish cartoon-like extremism of Fox News with that of the mainstream news is ridiculous.

Until recently, CNN even had a conservative anchor in Lou Dobbs as well as commentary from Libertarian right-wingnut and John McCain supporter, Tucker Carlson, co-host on CNN's Crossfire and contributor at Fox News. In fact, right-wing wacko the clown Glenn Beck actually got his start on CNN!! (and no, push-over patsy side-kick Alan Comes who was once on Fox does not count).
The only channel that does have an outright left-wing slant to it is MSNBC, but even they have given Tucker Carlson his own show. (It was only cancelled because no one cared.)

Fox News is a creation of tycoon Industrial Elitist Rupert Murdoch and his henchman Roger Ailes. The same Roger Ailes who gave Rush Limbaugh a tv show. The same Rush Limbaugh who launched the so-called "liberal media" campaign. Why do the RepubliCons hate the mainstream legitimate media? Because it exposes the underhanded things that they are up to, for one. The legitimate mainstream media actually reports on ANY criminal behavior. It just happens that the RepubliCons have a dirtier record.

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