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The RepubliCons are using corporate money to pay people to do this. Lets let our activism be people-based.


Monday, June 28, 2010


RepubliCons say that they want to get the big terrible government off of the backs of the people. They would have you believe that government agents are going to barge into your house and take away your guns, Bible, and liberty. Unfortunately, the Ignorants are more than willing to believe this.

The reality is that it is not the government that is on the backs of the people, but on the backs of the multinational corporate Industrial Elite who are trying to take over our government. It is the government that regulates them and holds them accountable for their activities.

And so the Cons came up with the anti "BIG GOVERNMENT" campaign. It is truely astounding to see this plan actually work. The Cons anti government campaign is the equivalent of a street thug hating the cops.

Time and time again, they have proven that they will put private interests of both themselves and their wealthy financial backers before the interest of the public.

Cons are against big government and yet what most people do not know is that when they are in power the government does not shrink at all; in fact, in most cases it even grows!

The Cons will sabotage government programs then turning around and complain that the "government does not work"! We have seen this in the social security problem for instance.

Cons want "limited government." What does limited government mean? It means the government is not only limited in preventing the Industrial Elites from engaging in illegal and reckless behavior, but also limited in how it can help the American people.

Cons claim to be the guardians of the American patriotic ideal but simultaneously want to strangle Uncle Sam!

Replacing the powers of a Democratically elected government with private corporations is un-American!

The RepubliCons want to take government out of business and instead put business into government. The problem with this is that profiteering then takes precedent over the public interest! This is anti-democratic and this is anti American! If we let them have their way, only the wealthy elite will get to live the American dream.


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