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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Puppets and the Puppeteers

The Republican party was struggling before the advent of Con-air. Since then, the Conservatives, who believe it or not, were once upon a time were mostly Democrats, changed allegiance.
Con-air played an essential part in this change. They have successfully programmed regular blue collar people to vote for legislation that would benefit the wealthy Industrial Elite and not themselves.
The Ignorants have been mentally conditioned to do things like:

- vote against the regulation of big business that protects the economy, public safety, the environment, and consumers.
- protest against higher taxes on the wealthy elite (which is something that directly makes living harder on the regular middle class).
- protest medical insurance reform that will make access to healthcare easier by taking power away from the unscrupulous profit-driven (rather than human health care driven) corporate healthcare providers.
- disbelieve overwhelming scientific evidence and deny that pollution is having a negative effect upon our environment.
- have contempt for labor unions!

The perpetrators of Con-Air are able to succeed the same way the George Bush initially succeeded. By appealing to peoples emotions. Not only to their hopes, but to their fears and prejudaces as well.
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck speak with so much conviction that the uneducated think that they must know they were talking about. The problem is that their facts do not check out and neither do their morals.

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